Ohpaho Secondary School


Student Parking, Parent Drop-off and Pick up Zones


RED: RESTRICTED: Staff, Emergency Vehicle, and Bus Parking ONLY

GREEN: Access to Student Drop-off and Pick-up Zone

Student drop-off and pick-up is a continuous moving lane.

*To assist with vehicle congestion, please do not enter the zone until your child is ready. 

*Student(s) should exit the right side vehicle door.

ORANGE: ONLY Access to Student Parking Lot

YELLOW: Student Parking

PURPLE: Accessible Parking ONLY and Visitor Parking ONLY

*Please do not park in Accessible Parking and/or Visitor Parking stalls when dropping-off or picking-up your child. Please park in student parking if necessary.


8:00 am to 8:46 am and 11:31 am to 12:26 pm

Please use the doorbell at the main entrance outside of these hours.